On December 31, 2021, Vietnam Technical Development Co., Ltd held a year-end party. This year, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, strictly complying with the city’s regulations on epidemic prevention and control, the party was held at two locations: the company headquarters and the showroom with the participation of participants: members of senior officials, department heads, and all employees of VTD.

Vietnam Technical Development Co., Ltd. held a year-end party at two locations. Opening the program was the Video Clip “Looking back at a year VTD changed and adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic to develop” that was shown. Next are the statements and sharing of the General Director about a challenging year that the company has experienced and how we have overcome those difficulties. The Executive Board honoured the best individuals in 2021 and presented flowers and gifts. The awards were given to:
- The best department in 2021: Accounting department
- The best employees in 2021: Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tung, Deputy General Director and Mr. Hoang Minh Thao, Project Manager of Industrial Electricity
- The best new employee in 2021: Mr. Nguyen Dinh Dat, Technical Staff of Civil electrical equipment room
- Employee for the community in 2021: Ms. Nhiep Thi Trung Chinh, Head of Administration Department.

After the ceremony of honoring and giving gifts to excellent individuals, there were sweepstakes, games, and entertainment. Stirring up the atmosphere, the party had 4 games interspersed with musical performances from vibrant to profound from different departments, making the party both fun and cozy and creating an unforgettable impression. All VTD employees have had more enthusiasm to welcome the new year 2022.

Hopefully, VTD will have a year of 2022 to overcome difficulties to develop to new heights with the theme of the Year End Party 2021.